Historical Precedent

Why use these solutions? What is the real issue?

Flooding caused 82,000,000,000 dollars of damage in 2021, and 8,000,000,000 in the US alone. Flooding is a very expensive issue, but it is often overlooked, as “fixing” flooding takes costly up front investments and years to build, but our solution hopes to bypass these two issues by helping the problem with no large changes to the underground drain pipes, or streams or rivers. Our solutions are cost effective, multi-purpose, and can be phased in slowly, so it isn't such a large up-front investment many communities are not willing to make.`

Cities like Houston or Miami, which are very prone to flooding are places where our solutions will be most effective. Houston for example was hit with hurricane Harvey in 2017. Hurricane Harvey brought so much water that the national weather service needed to change the colors they represented rainfall with, as so much rain fell their current colors couldn't show it, with some places getting over 50 inches of rain! Hurricane Harvy dropped over 27 trillion gallons of water in texas alone, that's about 3,000 gallons of water for every person on earth. Most areas were not prepared to drain this much water, causing widespread flooding like the image below.

Or hurricane Ian caused 113 billion dollars worth of damage after it hit Florida in 2022. Hurricane Ian produced up to 26 inches of rain in some places, and caused severe flooding in places like Orlando or Tampa. The image below is the flooding in Orlando Florida after hurricane Ian.

These cities and other geographically similar cities to these may be very prone to flooding, and many of them are not prepared for the amount of water these storms can bring. This means that many are killed and property is washed away after these storms move through.